Python Future Module (with Examples)

In this tutorial, we will explore the Python Future Module and how it can be used to write forward-compatible code. We will cover the purpose of the module, its usage in both Python 2 and 3, as well as examples that demonstrate its functionality. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of the Future Module and how to leverage it in your own Python projects.

Table of Contents

What is the Future Module?

The Future Module in Python is a compatibility layer that allows developers to write code that can run on both Python 2 and Python 3 without modification. It provides a set of functions and classes that help bridge the differences between the two versions of the language.

Purpose of the Future Module

The main purpose of the Future Module is to facilitate a smooth transition from Python 2 to Python 3. As Python 2 reached its end of life on January 1, 2020, many developers are migrating their codebases to Python 3. The Future Module makes this process easier by providing a consistent interface for features that may behave differently between the two versions.

Using the Future Module in Python 2

To use the Future Module in Python 2, you can import specific features from the module at the beginning of your script. Here are some common imports:

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals

Explanation of Imports

  • print_function: This import enables the use of the print() function as a standard function rather than a statement. For example:


    print(“Hello, World!”)


    This will behave like a function call in Python 3, ensuring consistent behavior across versions.

  • division: This import changes the behavior of the division operator (/). In Python 2, dividing two integers performs floor division by default. With this import, it behaves like true division in Python 3. For example:


    result = 5 / 2 # Result is 2 in Python 2 without division import



    result = 5 / 2 # Result is 2.5 with division import in Python 2 and in Python 3


  • absolute_import: This import changes the way imports are resolved. It ensures that absolute imports are used instead of relative imports. For example:


    from mymodule import myfunction # Absolute import


    This prevents confusion with similarly named modules in the current directory.

  • unicode_literals: This import changes how string literals are interpreted. It makes all string literals Unicode strings by default. For example:


    mystring = “Hello” # str type in Python 2 without unicode_literals import



    mystring = “Hello” # unicode type with unicode_literals import in Python 2 and str type in Python 3


Using the Future Module in Python 3

In Python 3, you can still use the Future Module, but its primary purpose is to enable features that may not be available in earlier versions of Python. The syntax for importing features remains the same:

from __future__ import feature_name

Example Imports in Python 3

  • To enable annotations as strings:


    from future import annotations


  • To enable the new syntax for decorators:


    from future import decorator_syntax


These imports ensure that your code utilizes the latest features and improvements in Python while maintaining compatibility with earlier versions.

Examples of Using the Future Module

Example 1: Print Function Import (Python 2)

Let’s see an example of using the print_function import from the Future Module in Python 2:

from __future__ import print_function

print("Hello, World!")


Hello, World!

Example 2: Division Import (Python 2)

Now let’s see an example of using the division import from the Future Module in Python 2:

from __future__ import division

print(5 / 2)  # Output: 2.5

Example 3: Absolute Import (Python 2)

Here’s an example of using absolute_import from the Future Module in Python 2:

Assuming you have a module named in your current directory:

from __future__ import absolute_import

from mymodule import myfunction  # This will work as expected.

Example 4: Unicode Literals (Python 2)

In this example, we’ll see how unicode_literals affects string literals:

from __future__ import unicode_literals



type 'unicode'

In this case, all string literals are treated as Unicode strings.

Example 5: Print Function Import (Python 3)

In Python 3, you can also use the print_function import for consistency:

from __future__ import print_function

def greet(name):

    print("Hello, {}!".format(name))



Hello, Alice!

Example 6: Annotations as Strings (Python 3)

This example demonstrates using annotations as strings in Python 3:

from __future__ import annotations

def func(param: MyType) -> MyType:


In this case, MyType can be used as a forward reference without being defined earlier.

Example 7: Decorator Syntax (Python 3)

This example shows how to use new decorator syntax in Python 3:

from __future__ import decorator_syntax

def my_decorator(func):

def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

eturn func(*args, **kwargs)

eturn wrapper@my_decoratordef my_function():

eturn "Hello!"

in this case, @my_decorator is used to decorate my_function using the new syntax.


In this tutorial, we explored the Python Future Module and its importance in writing forward-compatible code. We discussed how to use it in both Python 2 and Python 3, along with various examples demonstrating its functionality. By leveraging the Future Module, you can ensure that your code remains compatible across different versions of Python and take advantage of new features seamlessly.

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